Social media and other digital platforms have greatly empowered people across the globe to communicate, dispense ideas and information, transform societies, educate themselves, and entertain themselves. This has facilitated the promotion of freedom of expression and easy access to information. On the other hand, these platforms have also been misused as useful tools and incentives used to spread hate speech, propaganda, and disinformation. On...
Can a journalist be an activist and an advocate for a cause without compromising the core editorial values of journalism? This is a question asked by the majority, as journalists are supposed to avoid becoming emotionally and politically involved in issues they are covering because once they do, they are likely to lose their objectivity. Speaking in Bungoma during the Bungoma and Kakamega Counties female journalists training, Kenya ICT Action...
Meet Agnes Budoli a 37-year-old mother of 4 girls from Bukhaywa village. Agnes bought a 4 lights solar lighting pack from Solibrium Limited in the year 2020 and says she has never regretted that bold step that she took. Before she acquired the solar lighting pack, Agnes was using a kerosene lamp which was a costly adventure due to the need to regularly buy kerosene for the lamp, an expense she could not be able to sustain. Agnes adds that usage...
Meet Mary Elkana from Imaunya village Shinyalu constituency and a mother of five. Her cookstove was installed in 2012, she's among the first group of people to benefit from Eco2librium's Stove for Life project which was started in 2010. Mary says she has never regretted switching to cooking with improved cookstoves. She recalls when she could have numerous visits to the hospital due to eye irritation from the smoke after cooking with...
Deforestation continues to be a threat to the Kakamega forest because of a higher firewood demand of about 1.5 million tons per year. In comparison, there is only a supply of an estimated 0.5 million tons. The illegal activity is said to be majorly carried out by women and girls who could be seen carrying volumes of firewood on their heads and backs, some for cooking and some to be sold for income. In this regard, Eco2librium Company was...